Monday, May 15, 2006

What’s Up?

What’s Up? A question with lots of different meaning and answer...

Well 1 year in Bangkok and here is what I wanted to share with those who are interested to know, even for those who are not interested (no choice for you guys, it’s posted). :P Currently listening to love songs and staying late in the office without anyone around, a nice setting for internalizing. A bit tired from work so I took the opportunity to write this blog and try to let out all of the stuff inside me. A bit inspired at the moment to write mushy/personal stuff. But no certain theme applies to this. I just write what is inside.

A lot of things happened for the past 12 months. New experiences professionally and emotionally, good things and bad things, you name it I have it. This is my first time to leave home and now I can really feel what the OFWs feel. Life in another country is a bit tough specially for someone like me who, for almost 30 years, stayed with my family. Language barriers, no one to depend on and love ones far away. Many things have changed since I came here. One thing I learned being away from all that I have is, to be strong. It's true when they say that you never really appreciate things you have except when you lost it. Well, I didn't really loose anything but the feeling of emptiness, at the end of the day, will make you miss all that you are not cherishing.
Well working for a multi-national company is a bit different. It is challenging and exciting as well. The working environment is very diversed. But for me it is a very good opportunity to know more about the different attitudes and cultures of people. I have colleagues coming from, off course, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, India, Germany and I guess a few more countries that I do not remember or know. I always have this fascination of trying to know more about people, I mean try to understand and analyze what kind of a person he or she is. So far, I was able to distinguish a good one from a bad one. Not much huh, anyone can do that anyway. Well, I met some friends here who I can say are quite good.

Losing a love one, I lost my kong kong (grandfather) last April 6. I used to be close to my grandparents until I was old enough to be busy watching TV and playing with my friends. I can still remember when we have this family gathering when I was still young. We would normally go to Luneta and have family lunch together. Unlike other chinese families, we did not live with my grandparents. We still go out every Sunday for lunch but growing far from my grandparents I can say that I'm really lucky to have the chance to know all (4) of them. On the day when he passed away, I was a bit hesitant in holding him but now I wont have that chance again. I wanted to hold him because I wanted to say thank you for all the things that he has done for our family and for all the good memories that he has left for us. Wherever you are, kong kong I want you to know that we love you and that you will always be in our hearts and memories.

Loosing another special someone who has been a big part of my life ... I miss you. If it's meant to be then it's meant to be...

So how is life in the "Land of Smiles"? Life in Bangkok is really "Amazing". A lot of new friends and a lot of new activities, activities that I was not able to do when I was in the Philippines. Meeting new friends is always a part of life, though I'm not really a very social person. I usually go for quality not quantity, I do not choose my freinds but just blessed to have the good and nice ones.

Some activities that I wasn't able to do when I was in the Philippines were: fishing, clubbing, partying till morning and travelling. Places I've been to and seen for the past year: Bangkok City, Pattaya, Chayapum Province, Sukhothai, Singapore. Pictures can be viewed in my site:

Ok, so now it's time to go home, it was really nice to take all of this out and share some non-sense to you guys. When is the right time to grab hold of the future that you seek, if not today, when? When is the right time to look back to all the things that you have and say to yourself that you are lucky to have them, if not today, when?

Posted on August 25, 2005


My first and only Friendster blog. One of my frustration is writing but it's really fun so I keep doing it, somehow it helps me release some of the tensions and heavy stuff inside me. So 3 more months it's already 2 years for me since I left the Philippines. I go home on occassions or at least made it twice a year. How time flies, I spent the last 9 months keeping myself busy with work and trying to have fun. I was trying to avoid something but finally it caught up with me. The thing is, I realized that I am guilty of not facing the situation and hope that it will correct itself. I also took forgranted that thing, in this case feelings, that I had for that person I cared and loved most.


At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.


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