Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Dubai - May 28, 2006

Second day in Dubai, we are provided with shuttle service which picks us up at 8:00 AM. It took us around 45 minutes to reach the office. Along the way I saw the 7 Star Hotel, Burj Al Arab (http://www.burj-al-arab.com/).

Siemens office in Dubai is located in the Dubai Internet City, the "City" is quite big and hold all big IT companies like, Microsoft, Dell, Logica, IBM, HP and Canon. We had a short meeting and introduction with our Project Manager then off to work. We had lunch at Southern Fried Chicken which is located in our building. After lunch we walked around the compund and saw other restaurants. As expected there's quite a number of Filipinoes working in, not just in Siemens, but also around the "City". Funny thing is they never recognize me since I was always walking with my Thai and Chinese colleagues, so they would also assume that I am Chinese.

After work, the Project Manager invited the whole team to have dinner together. We went to Ibn Battuta Mall which is a mix culture mall (http://www.ibnbattutamall.com/). I had Iranian food which are mainly, kebabs. The food is quite nice and I think I will really gain weight.

First impressions or observations here in Dubai:
A lot of construction.
Multi-culture race. A lot of "Kabayans" or Filipinoes for this matter, that's how they call each other here.
Food 3 or 4 times more expensive than Bangkok.
SMS, local and international, is cheaper than Bangkok.
Traffic in the main highway, Sheikh Zayed Road.
Malls are big and spacious. Not too much people around.
Jollibee, yes, there's a Jollibee here. I attached a photo it is a bit dark but it's besides MarryBrown.
FIlipino goods (CDO, Purefoods, Reno, Chippy, Clover and a lot more) are also seen in supermarket.
Low rise structures are common here, although there's a row of high rise structures on one part of Sheikh Zayed Road.
Laundry is also expensive. Shirt is 4 AED, Pants are 5 AED.

Let Me Be The One

by Jimmy Bondoc

Somebody told me you were leavin', I didn't know
Somebody told me you're unhappy but it doesn't show
Somebody told me that you don't want me no more, no
So you're walkin' out the door

Nobody told me you've been cryin' every night
Nobody told me you've been dyin' but didn't want to fight
Nobody told me that you've fell out of love for me
So I'm settin' you free

Let me be the one to break it up so you won't have to make excuses
We don't need to find a set up where someone wins and someone loses
We just have to say our love was true but has now become a lie
So I'm tellin' you I love you one last time and goodbye

Somebody told me you still love me, I don't know why
Nobody told me that you only needed time to fly
Somebody told me that you want to come back when
Our love is real again

[Repeat CHORUS]

Just turn around and walk away
You don't have to live like this, oh no
But if you love me still then stay
Don't keep me waiting for that final kiss

We can work together through this test
Or we can work through it apartI
just need to get this off my chest
That you will always at my heart
Let me be the one...

[Repeat CHORUS]

Let me be the one
Ooh oh mmm mmmmm

Been trying to find a nice song and it was under my MP3 selection. I think this almost says it all...

Dubai - May 27, 2006

Been very busy for the past few days trying to finish my tasks and prepare for my upcoming project in Dubai. I also have been trying to tell myself that I have to look at life on how it is now and not to be too hard on myself for what have happened to me over the past year. Things change, people change but sometimes feelings are hard to change. I'm always on this swing, go or no go. It's just that I'm afraid that if I let go, I would never get the feeling back again and if I do let go then, what...?

So today I will be flying to Dubai, I started the day cooking breakfast and having brunch with the "Pinoy Gang". I prepared and marinated, again, chicken breast with the ever famous JCo's Herb Mix, previously KFC Mix and spaghetti. Paui did the frying since he was really amazed by the portable burner compared to the electric burner. I did the spaghetti sauce, I mixed tomato sauce, minced meat and frankfurters. Something new to this recipe was I marinated or mixed the meat with herbs, salt and pepper before stir frying it. After stir frying I added the frankfurters and the spaghetti sauce, I forgot to add sugar to this recipe. But it's quite nice, agree, hehehe? I also cooked omelete with chicken ham and cheese. Ahh, what a great way to start a day. After brunch, I went back to the room to prepare my stuff.

I left the apartment around 3:30 in the afternoon still confused why I am so "BLANK". I was in the taxi, thingking about work and honestly I still don't know what I am doing and going to do. Yes, Dubai is a very nice city but something is not right. Maybe I'm just over reacting and worrying myself for nothing. Well, hope everything will turn out ok. The thing that I worry most is my performance on the project, I hope I won't let my Teammates down. I did not feel any excitement or anything whatsoever and it's quite odd. Anyway, I reached the airport around 4:15 and checked in my luggage. I was quite shocked to know that I was 18 kilos overweight, damn that was pretty heavy and to think I haven't brought all my stuff. I was carrying 48 kilos of luggage. So I talked to the attendant and then she finally charged me only 10 kilos for my excess baggage.

During flights, I would always prefer to sit on the aisle, but somehow the attendant gave me a window seat. There were two in-flight movies, the first was "The Last Holiday" by Queen Latifa and the other "Casanova" by Heath Ledger. I think he was trying to make up for the "Brokeback" thingy, so he did another man movie. Funny his name sa Jacko Casanova. Hmm, sounded like someone I know. So after the second movie, I looked out the window and was amazed by the sight that I saw. The sky was so clear and I could see a lot of stars. It was my first time to see that much stars and it was so quiet and serene. I tried to take some photos of it but somehow I can't get any good shot, maybe there are some things that are only meant for your eyes and thoughts. Hayyyyyyy, makes me miss something, someone in particular, actually.

The plane that brought us to Dubai.

Sunset or whatever is left from it.

Blurred shot of the stars, white spots are stars.

Well, when going to Dubai, I would suggest that you take the night flight and seat on one of the left window seats. Everybody knows that Dubai is a place made from the dessert. So when you look from above you will see a lot of spots which has no lights but is connected by lines and lines of lights. These lights are the one's lighting up the highways. The scene would be like a leaf which you can see the big vein and some of the small veins. Finally, we landed and the airport was pretty nice. I was taking some photos then the stewart asked me to keep my cam since there are no photo taking of the airport. I'm not sure why but I just listened to him. Below is a blurred shot of the line of lights. Black spots would mean they are still open lots awaiting development.

A blurred shot of Dubai's sky light. Areas that are in black are still under development.

A shot near the ground.

The apartment driver fetched us from the airport, I flew to Dubai with 3 of my colleagues from different modules. He asked the 3 of us to get a cab since the flight information given to them was wrong. So he only brought a car. As expected, the highways here are full of light, not just ordinary light but very bright once indeed. THe drivers here are almost the same as the ones in the Philippines, fast and likes to swerv. I think they got a lot of training from the Filipinoes since there's a quite big number here in Dubai.

We checked in and left our stuff in our rooms. I was sharing the apartment with one of our collegaues from China. After leaving our stuff we went to Spinney's to buy some basic stuff. The supermarket is 5 minute walk from our apartment and it has good stuff in it. Initial assessment is that food here in Dubai is more expensive than Bangkok. Below is a view from my small terrace.

Monday, May 22, 2006


Here are some random and general questions in life. Same questions??? If you know me then you will think that these are alll my questions, some of the yes but look at it at another point of view, do you think other people will be asking the same?

Is it correct that I changed my career?
Is it correct that I moved out of my comfort zone?
Why do we have to break up?
Why do we love each other but cannot be together?
Why is he/she doing this to me?
Did I make the right choice when I migrated?
Did I make the right choice when I accepted my job abroad?
Who will I choose my career or my boy/girl friend?
What do we mean by securing our future?
Why make him/her better than me?
Do I deserve all of this?
Should I move on? Should I let go?
What if he/she did not return?
Will he/she be happier with me?
Where is the pain coming from?
Who will you choose, the one you love or the one who loves you?
If I die today, will I die peacefully?
What give you your peace of mind?
Let the one you love go or hold on even if he/she is hurting?
When will you be prepared?
What do you need to prepare?
He/She is leaving, are you going with him/her?
Follow your heart or follow your head?
Which one is best for me?
Do you know who is best for you?
Is it me?
Will I risk to let go and move on?
I might loose him/her forever?
What if I et go and moved on, good if we can cross paths again in the future but what if we did not?
Will I be able to accept him/her again if he/she comes back?


I was looking for a song about questions and this showed up, hmmm... damn :P Haven't heard this song for a long time, I can still remember this song playing in one of Joe D'mangoe's Love Notes.

What Do We Mean To Each Other
by Sergio Mendes

I'd rather know if you have turn the page
If you go faster than I do
Suddenly, it's not so clear
Just what I am to you

Am I friend, am I lover
Do we still need each other?
When you touch me
When you touch me
Baby, I can't tell

What do we mean to each other,
Am I friend, am I lover,
Is it over now?
If this is it, then why bother?
Tell me where do we take it from here?
What do we mean to each other,
Am I friend, am I lover,I
s it over now?
Do you love me still,
Or do you just mean well?

I can see clearly how I'm hurting you
Ev'ry breath kills you away
Are we going in sep'rate roads?
Has pride got in the way?

Am I friend, am I lover
Do we still need each other?
When you hold me
When you hold me
Baby, I can't tell

What do we mean to each other,
Am I friend, am I lover,
Is is over now?
If this is it, then why bother?
Tell me where do we take it from here?
What do we mean to each other,
Am I friend, am I lover,
Is it over now?
Do you love me still,
Or do you just mean well...

Time became the poison working slowly on my heart
Throwing all our memories
Is it tearin' us apart?
When you touch me
When you touch me
Baby, I can't tell

Chorus:What do we mean to each other,
Am I friend, am I lover,
Is is over now?
If this is it, then why bother?
Tell me where do we take it from here?
What do we mean to each other,
Am I friend, am I lover,
Is it over now?
Do you love me still,
Or do you just mean well?

What do we mean to each other,
Am I friend, am I lover,
Is it over now?
Do you love me still,
Or do you just mean well?

Do you love me still
Or do you just mean well?

Friday, May 19, 2006

Don't Know What To Say

by Ric Segreto

I have loved you only in my mind
But I know that there will come a time
You'll feel this feelin' I have inside

You're a hopeless romantic is what they say
Falling in and out of love just like a play
Memorizin' each line
I still don't know what to say
What to say

Don't know what to do
Whenever you are near
Don't know what to say
My heart is floating in tears
When you pass by I could fly

Every minute, every second of the day
I dream of you in the most special way
You're beside me all the time
All the time

I have loved you and I always will
Call it crazy but I know someday you'll feel
This feelin' I have for you inside
I'm a hopeless romantic I know I am
Memorized all the lines and here I am
Struggling for words
I still don't know what to say
What to say

Don't know what to do
Whenever you are near
Don't know what to say
My heart is floating in tears
When you pass by I could fly

All the time...
All the time...


"I'm a hopeless romantic I know I am" and a sentimental fool as well...

Had dinner last night with one of my former colleague, one thing that I will always remember her for is that her criteria for finding the right guy is good IQ and EQ, good genetics and good financial. Hmmm, don't know if she is joking or what but it makes me think... :P

Monday, May 15, 2006

What’s Up?

What’s Up? A question with lots of different meaning and answer...

Well 1 year in Bangkok and here is what I wanted to share with those who are interested to know, even for those who are not interested (no choice for you guys, it’s posted). :P Currently listening to love songs and staying late in the office without anyone around, a nice setting for internalizing. A bit tired from work so I took the opportunity to write this blog and try to let out all of the stuff inside me. A bit inspired at the moment to write mushy/personal stuff. But no certain theme applies to this. I just write what is inside.

A lot of things happened for the past 12 months. New experiences professionally and emotionally, good things and bad things, you name it I have it. This is my first time to leave home and now I can really feel what the OFWs feel. Life in another country is a bit tough specially for someone like me who, for almost 30 years, stayed with my family. Language barriers, no one to depend on and love ones far away. Many things have changed since I came here. One thing I learned being away from all that I have is, to be strong. It's true when they say that you never really appreciate things you have except when you lost it. Well, I didn't really loose anything but the feeling of emptiness, at the end of the day, will make you miss all that you are not cherishing.
Well working for a multi-national company is a bit different. It is challenging and exciting as well. The working environment is very diversed. But for me it is a very good opportunity to know more about the different attitudes and cultures of people. I have colleagues coming from, off course, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, India, Germany and I guess a few more countries that I do not remember or know. I always have this fascination of trying to know more about people, I mean try to understand and analyze what kind of a person he or she is. So far, I was able to distinguish a good one from a bad one. Not much huh, anyone can do that anyway. Well, I met some friends here who I can say are quite good.

Losing a love one, I lost my kong kong (grandfather) last April 6. I used to be close to my grandparents until I was old enough to be busy watching TV and playing with my friends. I can still remember when we have this family gathering when I was still young. We would normally go to Luneta and have family lunch together. Unlike other chinese families, we did not live with my grandparents. We still go out every Sunday for lunch but growing far from my grandparents I can say that I'm really lucky to have the chance to know all (4) of them. On the day when he passed away, I was a bit hesitant in holding him but now I wont have that chance again. I wanted to hold him because I wanted to say thank you for all the things that he has done for our family and for all the good memories that he has left for us. Wherever you are, kong kong I want you to know that we love you and that you will always be in our hearts and memories.

Loosing another special someone who has been a big part of my life ... I miss you. If it's meant to be then it's meant to be...

So how is life in the "Land of Smiles"? Life in Bangkok is really "Amazing". A lot of new friends and a lot of new activities, activities that I was not able to do when I was in the Philippines. Meeting new friends is always a part of life, though I'm not really a very social person. I usually go for quality not quantity, I do not choose my freinds but just blessed to have the good and nice ones.

Some activities that I wasn't able to do when I was in the Philippines were: fishing, clubbing, partying till morning and travelling. Places I've been to and seen for the past year: Bangkok City, Pattaya, Chayapum Province, Sukhothai, Singapore. Pictures can be viewed in my site:http://photos.ph/jco

Ok, so now it's time to go home, it was really nice to take all of this out and share some non-sense to you guys. When is the right time to grab hold of the future that you seek, if not today, when? When is the right time to look back to all the things that you have and say to yourself that you are lucky to have them, if not today, when?

Posted on August 25, 2005


My first and only Friendster blog. One of my frustration is writing but it's really fun so I keep doing it, somehow it helps me release some of the tensions and heavy stuff inside me. So 3 more months it's already 2 years for me since I left the Philippines. I go home on occassions or at least made it twice a year. How time flies, I spent the last 9 months keeping myself busy with work and trying to have fun. I was trying to avoid something but finally it caught up with me. The thing is, I realized that I am guilty of not facing the situation and hope that it will correct itself. I also took forgranted that thing, in this case feelings, that I had for that person I cared and loved most.

My immortal

by Evanescence

Im so tired of being here
surpressed by all my, childish fears
well if you have to leave, i wish that u would just leave
cause your prescence still lingers here, and it wont leave me alone

these wounds wont seem to heal, this pain is just to real
theres just to much that time cannot erase
when you cried I'd, wipe away all of your tears
when you'd scream I'd, fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
and you still have,all of me.

You used to captivate me, while in your resinating mind
now Im blinding by the light you've left behind
Your face is haunts, my once ?wonderful dreams?
your face it ?fears?, and it wont leave me alone

these wounds wont seem to heal, this pain is just to real
theres just to much that time cannot erase
when you cried I'd, wipe away all of your tears
when you'd scream I'd, fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
and you still have, all of me.

I've tried so hard to tell myself that your gone
but though your still with me, I've been alone all along.

when you cried I'd, wipe away all of your tears
when you'd scream I'd, fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
and you still have,all of me.


Can you relate? I can, this is what it really is feelings that you have and you can't explain. These things happen and, yes, "there's just too much time cannot erase". But why do we have to feel like this? Is it because that "there's just too much" and it's a pity to let all of these became past or is it because you love the person too much that you are afraid that he/she will become the past...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Why Do Beginnings Have an End?

Why do beginning's have an end? Why do we have to meet only to lose in the end? These are questions left unanswered, words left unsaid, letters left unread, poems left undone, songs left unsung, love left unexpressed, promises left unfulfilled. In a relationship, one of the hardest things to do is saying goodbye and letting go. It's as hard as breaking a crystal because you'll never know when you'll be able to pick up the pieces again. More often than not, they who go feel not the pain of parting; it is they who stay behind that suffer, because they are left with memories of love that was meant to be a love that was.

At the beginning and at the end of a relationship, we are embarrassed to find ourselves alone. Unfair as it may seem, but that's the drama, the bittersweet and the risk of falling in love. After all nothing is constant but "change". Everything will eventually come to its end without us knowing when, without us even knowing why and we must forget not because we want to but because we have to.

In letting go, sorrows come not as single spy but in battalion. It seems that everywhere you go, everything you do, every song you hear, every turn of your head, every move of your body, every beat of your heart, every blink of your eye and every breath you take always remind you of him. It's like a stab of a knife, a torture in the night. Funny how the whole world becomes depopulated when only one person is missing. Just imagine there are four billion people on earth and yet it seems you feel lonely and empty without the other.

I don't know if it's worth calling an art, but letting go entails special skills sparkled with a considerable space and time. Time heals wounds but it takes push on our part. Acceptance plays a part. Not all wishes come true. Not all love stories end with "happily ever after." We hate to suffer if it would mean happiness to others. We have to cry to temporarily let go of the pain. Every beginning has its end like every dawn has its dusk. It's something we can't control, something we have to live up with.

It's over, he's gone. But life has to go on. Goodbye doesn't always mean forever. There will always be a place and time where questions will be answered, words will be spoken, letters will be read, poems will be recited in the night, songs will be sung in harmony, love will be expressed in solitude and promises will be fulfilled. Somewhere, somehow, someday.


This was forwarded to me by Sharon. Quite a nice read and this thing do happen in reality, but as said it's the acceptance that plays a big part. What if you cannot accept the truth, then how do you let go or even move on? But, true, life goes on and goodbye doesn't always mean forever. Maybe there are some things that you have to do, know and find out without each other and come back agian stronger, or maybe not? As I always say, "If it's meant to be, it's meant to be".

For me letting go and moving on are different things, yes, you can always let go but when you are still affected/haunted by the past relationship then you still have a problem of not moving on. A person who had moved on is someone who will not be affected by the past, this is in my opinion. The worse thing that could happen is that you moved on just to cover up the past relationship. Hmmm, cofusing??? Tell me about it ...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Ban Chang Trip (May 5 - 7, 2006)

Getting ready for my second beach trip, this time I will go with Paui and Rochie. Hmmm, I feel like a third wheel, maybe it's because I am. The trip was supposed to ba a backpackers trip, which initially we though that it will be cheap and easy. But some other unforseen things happened cause everything was done "last minute". Anyway, the day started with some booboos. Last night I set my alarm clock to go off at 5:00 but stupidly, I did not activate it. So Rochie woke me up around 5:30 and we have to hurry to Ekkamai bus station since the bus will leave at 6:00. Luckily, they asked me to buy the tickets the day before, so we have our seats. This was a long weekened so almost all the bus and resorts/hotels are full. We reached Ban Phe around 9:00 and started to ask around for our resort. We booked at Phala Cliff Beach Resort and Spa, which is more than half an hour from Ban Phe. We took a Song Thao (a pick up vehicle) going to the resort and it costs us 700 Baht. After reaching the resort, we checked in and make a plan for our 3 day trip. We rest a bit and went for brunch. We walked around the resort and beach then decided to take a dip at their pool. We left the resort around 16:00 and decided to go to Pattaya, now we can start to imagine that our backpack trip became a road tour. The bus trip from Ban Chang to Pattaya took around 1 hour. We went to walking street and had seafood dinner then walked around Pattaya beach. We went back to Lotus and bought some snacks and had coffee before taking the bus back to Ban Chang. We reached the resort around 23:30.

Second day we went to Ko Samet. Woke up aropund 8:00, had breakfast and left the resort around 10. Took a bus going to Rayong City then song thao going to Ban Phe. We met a lady who offered us to go with her, eventually she told us that she was the owner of one of the pier. She paid for our ride but in turn offered us to get tickets from her pier. The ticket cost us 100 Baht round trip, which I think is cheaper from the other pier. We took a boat going to Koh Samet. Reaching Koh Samet was one of Paui's happiest moment, aside from the fact that he went there with Khun Suai. Ohhh yeah, Khun Suai is actually Rochie hahaha. The Thai inspired Filipina who would always become our translator and the person to buy the tickets. She was able to get the park tickets at 20 Baht per person. Normally, Farangs (foreigners) would have to pay 200 Baht. We went to Hat Saikeaw which is one of the most famous beach in Koh Samet and stayed there for the whole afternoon. So what did we do in Koh Samet, swimming, eating, chatting, eating, girl/guy watching, eating, Rochie and Paui went for Jet Ski, eating, Paui went for massage, I bought a new pair of flip flops, shower, eating ice cream and waited for the boat to bring us back to Ban Phe. After reaching the Pier we went for dinner. We saw the lady againa nsd she offered to help us arrange a ride going back to our resort. Finally, we settled on hiring a car to birng us to our resort for 1000 Baht. We stopped by 7-11 to buys some drinks and a deck of playing cards. Second day, second session. This time I did not miss the action or part of it, since I do not drink alcohol, so I tried Rochie's favorite Bacardi Breezer, Orange. Hmmm, won't be my favorite. Played a few game of cards and went to bed.

Third and last day of this so called backpacker trip, woke up around 9:00 and went for breakfast. We are more relaxed to since we will not be travellig to any beach resorts anymore, so after breakfast we went back to the room and slowly started preparing. We checked out at 13:00 and started, supposedly, an easy trip back to Bangkok. It was supposed to be easy, get a bus going to Ekkamai but somehow, there won't be any easy trip for this outing. We took a bus going to Pattaya. We went to Pattaya Noi to get another bus going to Ekkamai. So that's how we did our fun-filled, backpacker converted to road trip, vacation.

BTW, if someone needs more info about the honeymoon then you can mail me separately. I did a separate documentataion, literally became the scorer. Where did this picture came from??? :P

The One You Love

by Glenn Frey

I know you need a friend
someone you can talk to
who will understand
what you're going through

when it comes to love
there's no easy answer
only you can say
what you're gonna do

i heard you on the phone
you took his number
said you were alone
that you'll call him soon

isn't he the guy
the guy who left you crying
isn't he the one
who made you blue...oooh

when you remember those nights in his arms
you know you got to make up your mind

are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
or are you going back to the one you love
someone's gonna cry when they know they lost you
someone's gonna thank the stars above

what you gonna say
when he comes over
there's no easy way to see this through

all the broken dreams
all the disappointment
oh girl... whatcha gonna do?

Your heart keeps sayin it's just not fair
but still you gotta make up your mind

Repeat Chorus


There might be one point in your life that you encounter this, for whatever reason it may be, who will you choose? Hardest part is when you have to choose between the one you love and the one that loves you... In my opinion, go for the one that you think you will have no regrets choosing and that will make you happy. Of course, there are no certainty in life but as long as you are happy with your decision then nothing else matters.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Goodbye Girl

by Bread

All your life you've waited for love to come and stay
And now that i have found you, you must not slip away
I know it's hard believin' the words you've heard before
But darlin' you must trust them just once more... 'cause baby

Goodbye doesn't mean forever
Let me tell you goodbye doesn't mean
We'll never be together again
If you wake up and i'm not there, i won't be long away
'cause the things you do my goodbye girl
Will bring me back to you.

I know you've been taken, afraid to hurt again
You fight the love you feel for me instead of givin' in
But i can wait forever, a-helpin' you to see
That i was meant for you and you for me...
so remember

Goodbye doesn't mean forever
Let me tell you goodbye doesn't mean
We'll never be together again
Though we may be so far apart you still will have my heart
So forget your past my goodbye girl
'cause now you're home at last.

Oldies but the goodies, that's what I always call these type of songs. People say that I am sentimental, well I can't help it. I don't know why but that's how it really is...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Way You Look At Me

by Christian Bautista

No one ever saw me like you do
All the things that I could add up too
I never knew just what a smile was worth
But your eyes see everything without a single word

Cause there's somethin' in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece
You make me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be
I never know what you see
But there's somethin' in the way you look at me

If I could freeze a moment in my mind
It'll be the second that you touch your lips to mine
I'd like to stop the clock, make time stands still
'Cause, baby, this is just the way I always wanna feel

I don't know how or why I feel different in your eyes
All I know is it happens every time

The way you look at me

Is this true? Somehow, sometime, someone will come and make you feel like this. When that time comes, you will feel that you are the luckiest person in the world.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I dedicate this to you...

Someone once said that when you listen to sentimental love song, you would think that it was written for you. Maybe? But I don't mind dwelling on the though of having a song for me and the one I love, happy nor sad.

Beautiful in My Eyes

You're my piece of mind,
in this crazy world.
Your're everything I've tried to find,
your love is a pearl.

You're my Mona Lisa, you're my rainbow skies,
and my only prayer, is that you realize,
you'll always be beautiful, in my eyes.

The world will turn,
and the seasons will change.
And all the lessons we will learn,
will be beautiful and strange.

We'll have our fill of tears, our share of sighs.
My only prayer, is that you realize.
You'll always be beautiful, in my eyes.

You will always be, beautiful in my eyes.
And the passing years will show,
that you will always grow,
evermore beautiful, in my eyes.

And there are lines upon my face,
from a lifetime of smiles.
But when the time comes to embrace,
for one long last while.

We can laugh about it, how time really flies.
We won't say goodbye, 'cause true-love never dies.
You'll always be beautiful, in my eyes.

You will always be, beautiful in my eyes.
And the passing years will show,
that you will always grow,
evermore beautiful, in my eyes.

The passing years will show,
that you will always grow,
evermore beautiful, in my eyes.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Reason, season or lifetime???

An article forwarded/given by Cath. The only thing left to do now is to identify if it is a reason, season or a lifetime. We all have our own perception in life so it's kinda hard to know or, sometimes/maybe, to accept? Sometime it's right in your face but you still ignore it, why? But for which ever reason it maybe, I think it should be the one that will give you a "peace of mind". Happy reading. :)


People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.Believe it, it is real.
But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.